Who Is EPZ379?
Here’s a photograph of him in the woods.
Where? Oh, who knows, really…
Somewhere in the Pacific Northwest with trees by the looks of it…
EPZ has 19 years of media production experience at the freelance levels, contract, commission and has spent the last 6 years in a the professional world of Broadcast Multimedia Production.
With a Bachelor’s Degree in Video Production and a Dual Minor Degrees, one in Screenwriting and the other in Advertising, being called a professional is something people can call him now, which has its perks.
With experiences within the fields of Videography, Video Editing, Photography, Story Development, Screenwriting, Illustration, Graphic Design, Audio Engineering and Voice Acting… EPZ doesn’t sleep all that much and kept extremely busy most days.
He has awards from regional film festivals / art shows ranging from local gatherings to county competitions. These include 4 First Place Wins and 2 peoples Choice in Videography, a First Place in Advertising and Design, and several First Place and Accomplishment awards and in screenwriting in short form, feature length and series pitch/pilot episode scripts
Outside of the professional settings, EPZ keeps himself busy even further by being a random mogul in across the world wide web. The internet’s a strange place, and recent times have caused lots of turbulence and the like, but EPZ just meanders from place to place. He’s got a current collection of projects he works on from time to time, at least when free time becomes available, which you know… varies.
This website is a sort of portfolio of work as well as a means for EPZ to point at and say things like “Look, here’s some things I’ve made” without having to request people go galavanting around the internet. Now it’s all here in one place. If you do feel like galavanting, then feel free to follow the links below to other places that EPZ frequencies around the internet, including some direct lines to active projects he’s been working on for a while now. Thanks for stopping on by!
EPZ’s month long drawing challenges
EPZ’s series talking about storycrafting